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Cat GRADE technologies include hardware components such as sensors and controls, along with software that tracks equipment locations and records and transmits actual grade, slope and compaction data. 

GRADE technologies automate a range of machine functions that simplify and improve operations on a wide variety of earthmoving and paving equipment, including:

WHAT does it do for me?

Cat GRADE technologies give you an edge. Your competition is tough and smart. Don’t let them take the lead on grading technology. These technologies—available to fit a range of budgets and job needs—provide machine guidance, automated functions and valuable jobsite advantages.

Put Cat GRADE technologies to work with your grading equipment, and you’ll be able to:

  • Achieve grade in fewer passes, resulting in up to 50% improvement in grading efficiency
  • Improve material efficiency
  • Move material right the first time, minimizing costly rework
  • Improve grading and compacting accuracy
  • Reduce job costs, surveying needs and fuel usage
  • Keep people safely off the ground and out of trenches
  • Improve operator performance and reduce training needs
  • Deliver proof of compliance to compaction standards

Cat GRADE Technologies

Cat GRADE technologies include a number of systems (such as 2D or 3D, laser or GNSS) to meet specific application and budget needs. 

An in-cab display guides operators, helping to achieve the target grade more quickly and accurately—without rework—in rough, fine and finish grading applications. For some machines, guidance may include automatic control features that reduce operator effort and improve operating efficiencies.

Cat GRADE with Cross Slope – (Motor Graders) Simplifies machine operation, reduces fatigue and eliminates road spec variation. Ideal for long-distance grading without infrastructure. Can be combined with sonic, laser, GNSS or UTS technologies. 

  • Up to 50% improvement in road grading efficiency

Cat GRADE with Depth and Slope – (Excavators) 2D indicate-only systems use position-sensing hydraulic cylinders and sensors on stick and boom pins. The system calculates position relative to an external reference, such as a grade or survey stake. 

  • Up to 35% productivity improvement in trenching and foundation work

Cat GRADE with Assist (Select Excavators) Semi-autonomous grade control system automates boom and bucket movements. When the bucket reaches target depth, the system automatically locks onto grade and maintains a flat floor. 

  • Reach grade up to 45% faster in trench work or any job that requires a flat floor

Cat GRADE with Slope Assist (Dozers) Automatically maintains established blade angles. In-cab guidance and auto blade control help operators achieve consistent grades in fewer passes and with greater accuracy. 

  • Up to 68% better surface quality in fine and finish grading, even with a less experienced operator

Cat GRADE with Slope – (Pavers & Cold Planers) Sensor types are combined to create elevation control for paving and milling equipment. Applications: Asphalt paving, asphalt and concrete planing.

  • Extremely effective at super elevations with a range of approximately 10%